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Part of the Statutes of the National Union of Translators - SINTRA
* Approved at the General Assembly on February 19, 1991
Fundamental principles
Art.1 ° - The fundamental duties of the translator are:
§1 ° respect the texts or other materials whose translation is entrusted to him, not using his knowledge to disfigure or alter them;
§2 ° exercise his activity with conscience and dignity, in order to elevate the concept of his professional category;
§ 3 Use all linguistic, technical, scientific or other knowledge at your fingertips, for the best performance of your function;
§4 ° endeavor to participate in the decision-making of your class body and to see them accepted, in particular with regard to fair remuneration, working conditions and respect for the translator's rights;
§5 ° to be in solidarity with the initiatives in favor of the interests of his professional category, even if they do not bring him direct benefit.
Relations with Colleagues
Art. 2 - The translator must treat colleagues with loyalty, respect and solidarity.
Art. 3 - The translator must abstain from any act that means unfair competition to other translators or exploitation of the work of colleagues, whether in a commercial or other sense.
Relations with the Service Contractor
Art. 4 - The translator must loyally serve the interest of whoever hired the service.
Art 5 °. - The translator must endeavor to draw up, in writing, with the service contractor, the reciprocal obligations concerning the work in question.
The Professional Secret
Art. 6 - The translator is obliged to keep secrets about facts that he is aware of having seen, heard or deduced in the exercise of his professional activity, unless they imply an offense provided for by law or that may generate serious unlawful consequences for art. the 3rd.
Professional Responsibility
Art. 7 - The translator is civilly and criminally liable for professional acts harmful to the interest of the contractor of his services, committed for malpractice, imprudence, negligence or ethical infractions.
Application of this Code
Article 8 - The National Union of Translators - SINTRA is responsible for investigating faults committed against this Code of Ethics, applying the penalties provided for in the SINTRA Statutes and, when applicable, referring the case to Organs competent bodies.
Art. 9 - With discretion and justification, the translator will inform SINTRA of the facts that constitute a violation of the rules of this Code.

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We are a family owned and operated business.

We are a family owned and operated business.

We are a family owned and operated business.

We are a family owned and operated business.

We are a family owned and operated business.

We are a family owned and operated business.

We are a family owned and operated business.

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